aluminium window
aluminium window
Long years of safe and creative usage.
Sliding windows
Have you discovered all
the secrets of our aluminum windows?
See everything

Our insulation systems are so advanced.
Our aluminium windows do not require any hoods!

Corners of aluminium windows can be joined in many different ways.
As standard, we offer the cold worked ones.

We use only the very durable EDMP Seals.
They are resistant to temperature changes.

Do you dream about bows?
It is possible to bend profiles.

Fire protection?
We know what fire barriers are.
Aluminum can be warm and gives you plenty of possibilities. Windows, doors, winter gardens, fire barriers, walls, vestibules. It all depends on the selected profile. Ponzio systems used by us are the highest class of energy efficiency, safety and comfort, which allows for trouble-free use, not for years, but for decades.