Quick tips for
a good start
a good start
PVC windows
Do you want to buy PVC windows, but you don’t know where to start?
Here’s a few important information that will help you make the best choice for you.
Each PVC window is described by details such as these, you just need to know what do they mean,
and the choice of new windows will prove easier than you thought.

Advice 1: UW value
The lower the Uw value, the better for you, because it means less heat is escaping!
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Advice 2: Profile class
Class A is the best class with the thickest external wall, that impact the entire statics of the window.
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Advice 4: Profile width and number of chambers.
The wider the profile the thicker the frame, and the heavier and (usually) warmer the window.
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Advice 5: Glazing unit
Set of three glass panes is called a warm two-chamber glazing unit. Two glass panes? One-chamber unit.
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